【Forward Taiwan。台灣大步走】 臉書粉絲專頁已於1月3號正式與大家見面!

Forward Taiwan

Building a strong economic future for Taiwan through forward-thinking immigration reform.




終於,在經過6個月的籌備後,非常榮幸地能在2014年4月17號與大家正式介紹Forward Taiwan台灣大步走】

【Forward Taiwan。台灣大步走】是我最近正在推動的社會運動,一個可以讓大家參與及行動的平台,共同為台灣的未來而一起做的改變。現階段的目標是積極推動廣泛性的移民法規鬆綁,友善地開放並歡迎優秀的外籍白領階級來台灣工作,不再用封閉式、保護式的法規做限制與綑綁。

我們希望能站在最前端,引領並協助台灣在全球經濟環境體系裡,蛻變成極具競爭力的勞動市場。【Forward Taiwan。台灣大步走】臉書的粉絲專頁已正式成立,連結如下:


截至4月17日為止,已有337位支持者至【Forward Taiwan。台灣大步走】的粉絲專頁按讚, 也希望可以有更多人支持我們,並在2014年4月30日前幫我們達到1,000個的讚!

【Forward Taiwan。台灣大步走】會持續不斷地在粉絲專頁分享相關消息,也歡迎大家利用各種社群軟體分享,與我們一起持續關注這個議題!

Let’s FORWARD Taiwan together!


Finally, after 6 months preparation, I am so proud of introducing Forward Taiwan to all of you.

Forward Taiwan (FT) serves as a platform for all of us to get involved and take action. FT is a social activism which will allow us to make a difference in Taiwan’s future. The first goal is to advocate a comprehensive immigration reform that allows for the hiring of the best and brightest white collar workers, regardless of the size of the company by removing all the restriction in hiring foreigners.

I want to inform you that our Facebook page is now public, and will be followed shortly by our official website. The page is located at:


We are on the forefront to make Taiwan a more competitive workforce in the global economy. I want to see more than 1,000 likes before the end of April. Please start inviting your friends to join FT movement through your facebook or any social media.

In only 24 hours, we’re already approaching 337 fans, and we’ll continue to grow as we add content and share the page through as many channels as possible.

Let’s FORWARD Taiwan together!

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